Refereed Articles & Edited Chapters
“Space in the International Relations of Asia: A Guide to Technology, Security, and Diplomacy (forthcoming Asian Security, 2025)
“International Law and the Rise of the Space Corporations,” co-author with P. J. Blount, in the Oxford Handbook on Global Corporations and International Law, edited by Andreas Kulick, Doreen Lustig, and Andrew Sanger (forthcoming Oxford University Press).
“Oh the Places You’ll Go! and Grand Strategy in Outer Space,” in Dr. Seuss and the Art of War: Secret Military Lessons, edited by Montgomery McFate (U.S. Naval War College), (Roman & Littlefield, 2024): 42-60.
“Japan in the New Lunar Space,” co-author with Setsuko Aoki and Yumiko Takatori, Space Policy, available online 17 August 2023.
“Unbundling Threats: Balancing and Alliances in the Space Domain,” in The Oxford Handbook of Space Security, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen and P.J. Blount (Oxford University Press, 2024): 172-203.
“Japan’s Grand Strategy in Outer Space,” in The Oxford Handbook of Space Security, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen and P.J. Blount (Oxford University Press, 2024): 334-362.
“International Relations Theory and the Evolution of Peaceful Purposes in Outer Space,” co-author with P. J. Blount in The Oxford Handbook of Space Security, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen and P.J. Blount (Oxford University Press, 2024): 3-21.
“Introduction - Space Diplomacy: The Final Frontier of Theory and Practice,” co-author with Mai’a K. Davis Cross, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Special Issue, 18 (2-3) (2023): 193-217.
“Japan’s Space Diplomacy in a World of Great Power Competition,” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Special Issue, 18 (2-3) (2023): 282-316.
“Space and the US-Japan Alliance: Reflections on Japan’s Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Strategy,” Japanese Journal of Political Science (2023): 1-16.
“Small Satellites-Big Data: Uncovering the Invisible in Maritime Security,” co-author with Setsuko Aoki and John Mittleman. International Security 47 (2) 2022: 177-216.
“Neoclassical Realism in Japan’s Space Security,” in The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics, edited by Robert J. Pekkanen and Saadia M. Pekkanen (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2022): 763-790.
“China, Japan and the Governance of Space: Prospects for Competition and Cooperation,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 21(1) 2021: 37-64.
“Governing the New Space Race,” in Introduction to the Symposium on The New Space Race, American Journal of International Law Unbound, Vol. 113, (1 April 2019): 92-97.
“Introduction: Agents of Design,” and “Conclusion: The Imperfect Struggles,” in Asian Designs: Governance in the Contemporary World Order, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2016: 1-31, 225-242.
“The External is Incidental: Asia’s Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Santiago Principles,” co-author with Kellee Tsai in Asian Designs: Governance in the Contemporary World Order, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2016: 75-91.
“Japan’s Ballistic Missile Defense and ‘Proactive Pacifism’,” in Regional Missile Defense From a Global Perspective, edited by Catherine McArdle Kelleher and Peter Dombrowski. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015: 217-237.
“The International Relations of Asia,” co-author with John Ravenhill and Rosemary Foot in The Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen, John Ravenhill, and Rosemary Foot. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014: 3-21.
“The Evolution of Foreign Direct Investment in Asia,” co-author with Kellee Tsai in The Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen, John Ravenhill, and Rosemary Foot. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014: 327-347.
“Investment Regionalism in Asia: New Directions in Law and Policy?,” World Trade Review 11 (1) 2012: 119-154.
“The Politics of Ambiguity in Asia’s Sovereign Wealth Funds,” co-author with Kellee Tsai, Business & Politics, 13 (2) 2011: 1-44.
“Trading Gains for Control: International Trade Forums and Japanese Economic Diplomacy,” co-author with Mireya Solis and Saori N. Katada. International Studies Quarterly 51 (4) 2007: 945-970.
“Bilateralism, Multilateralism, or Regionalism? Japan’s Trade Forum Choices.” Journal of East Asian Studies 5 (1) 2005: 77-103.
“Late Liberalizers: Comparative Perspectives on Japan and China” and “The Legal Evolution of Japan’s Trade Liberalization Politics,” in Japan and China in the World Political Economy, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen and Kellee S. Tsai. London: Routledge, 2005: 11-28, 67-88.
“The Winds of Change in Japanese Trade Policy: Textile Multinationals and Intra-industry Clashes over Market Protection,” co-author with Mireya Solis. Advances in International Management vol. 17, 2005: 89-111.
“The Politics of Japan’s WTO Strategies.” Orbis 48 (1) 2004: 135-147.
“At Play in the Legal Realm: The WTO and the Changing Nature of US-Japan Antidumping Disputes,” in Beyond Bilateralism: The US-Japan Relationship in the New Asia Pacific, edited by Ellis S. Krauss and T. J. Pempel. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004: 221-247.
“International Law, Industry, and the State: Explaining Japan's Complainant Activities at the WTO.” The Pacific Review 16 (3) 2003: 285-306.
“Sword and Shield: The WTO Dispute Settlement System and Japan,” in Japan’s Managed Globalization: Adapting to the 21st Century, edited by William Grimes and Ulrike Schaede (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002): 77-100.
“Japan's Legal Actions in the GATT/WTO System.” The Journal of World Intellectual Property 5 (4) 2002: 565-589.
“Aggressive Legalism: The Rules of the WTO and Japan's Emerging Trade Strategy.” The World Economy 24 (5) 2001: 707-737.
“International Law, the WTO, and the Japanese State: Assessment and Implications of the New Legalized Trade Politics.” The Journal of Japanese Studies 27 (1) 2001: 41-79.
Other Articles, Chapters, & Working Papers
“Cooperation and Collaboration” Entry in Elgar Encyclopedia of Space Policy and Governance, edited by Sa’id Mosteshar, Christoph Beischl, and Arne Sönnichsen (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, June 2025 [forthcoming]).
“International Relations and Space Law,” Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Space Law, edited by Mahulena Hofmann and P. J. Blount (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2025): 154-157.
“Space Diplomacy: Bringing Space Exploration Stakeholders Together,” co-author with Mai’a K. Davis Cross, Paper for the the International Astronautical Congress 24 (IAC-24,E3,2,8,x8426), 2024.
“Japan in the International Space Order,” Asia Policy 19(4) October 2024: 29-39.
“Developing State Practice for the Governance of Space Resources,” Policy Paper, in Governing the Global Commons: Challenges and Opportunities for US-Japan Cooperation, edited by Kristi M. Govella (Washington, DC: The German Marshall Fund) December 2022, 35-38.
“Cautionary Remarks on the Emerging Bipolarity of Space Alliances: A Japanese Perspective,” in The New Space Age: Beyond Global Order, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2021.
“Thank You for Your Service: The Security Implications of Japan’s Counterspace Capabilities,” Texas National Security Review, Policy Roundtable, edited by Jonathan D. Caverley and Peter Dombrowski, 1 October 2020.
“Reflections on Multi-Method Research, “ co-author with Robert J. Pekkanen, in Studying Japan: Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods, edited by Nora Kottmann and Corenlia Reiher (Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Publishers, 2020).
“Reflections on Space Governance by China and Japan,” The Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 48(3) 2020: 731-737.
“Japan’s Space Power,” Asia Policy 15(2) April 2020: 27-33.
“Limits to Maritime Power: The Politics of Controversy over Chinese Infrastructure Investment,” co-author with Margaret Pearson (August 13, 2018). Available online at SSRN: or
“Japan in 2015: More About Abe,” co-author with Robert J. Pekkanen, Asian Survey 56(1) 2016: 34-46.
“Japan in 2014: All About Abe,” co-author with Robert J. Pekkanen, Asian Survey 55(1) 2015: 103-118.
“National Security in Japan’s Space Policy,” co-author with Paul Kallender-Umezu in Japan in Decline: Fact or Fiction?, edited by Purnendra Jain and Brad Williams. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill/Global Oriental, 2011: 92-109.
“Asianism Rising: Assessing China-Japan-US Dynamics in Regional Trade and Investment Realities,” in Getting the Triangle Straight: Managing China-Japan-US Relations, edited by Gerald Curtis, Ryosei Kokubun, and Wang Jisi (Tokyo: JCIE, 2010): 191-215.
“The Socialization of China, Japan, and Korea (CJK) in International Economic Law: Assessment and Implications,” Proceedings of the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law: International Law in a Time of Change, Washington D.C., 24-27 March 2010: 529-532.